St David’s Church Ashprington

In the Totnes Mission Community

St David’s Church Ashprington

St David’s Church Ashprington is one of nine churches in the Totnes mission community.  The church in Ashprington stands on rising ground above the centre of the village it serves.  Most of its current structure dates from the Middle Ages with later additions in Victorian times.

Fabric and Buildings Appeal

If you would like to give a gift to help maintain our historic building please click <here>.

St David’s Blessing
Be joyful, keep your faith and your creed, and do the little things you have seen and heard me do.


Sunday July 7  – 11.15am Holy Communion 

Sunday July 14 – 4.00pm Pet Blessing Service. Please see below for full details.

Sunday July 21 – 11.15am Holy Communion 

Sunday July 28 – 9.15am Village Worship, joint service at St Peter’s, Cornworthy

The church is open between 10.00am and 4.00pm each day for private prayer and reflection.  Please follow security guidelines on entering the building.  Our churchyard is also a peaceful place for meditation and contemplation.  There is a path through the graveyard and benches available.


in concert at

St David’s Church, Ashprington

11 July 2024, 7.30pm

Contributions from the

Ashprington and Tuckenhay Community Choir

Not to be missed

Ticket £7

Supporting St David’s Church

Contact : [email protected]

All Creatures Great and Small

Pet Blessing Service

Sunday 14th July at 4.00pm

St. David’s Church

Followed by a Cream Tea

All villagers and their pets very welcome.

Todler Group

Our Churchyard

We have entered our churchyard into the 2023 Best Churchyard Competition and are delighted to be received as the Best New Entry. It is a place of peace where one can sit awhile and reflect and is appreciatd by villagers as well as walkers. 

Todler Group

St David’s Coffee Morning

Coffee mornings are held in the village hall every Thursday from 10.30 – 12.00 am.  It is a pleasant time to meet friends and other villagers over coffee and cake. All are very welcome. A small library of fiction and DVDs for villagers to borrow and return is being created upstairs in the committee room. It’s available at the coffee morning so you can grab a book, a coffee and Claire’s delicious cake all at the same time!

Todler Group

Please note that your card details will not be retained by St David’s Church or its officers.

This donation is being made through the legitimate and Diocesan endorsed platform ‘Give a Little’.

Fabric & Buildings Appeal

St David’s is proud to be the heart of our village community, a place of peace and sanctuary, providing a space to encounter God in all walks of life.

If you would like to give a gift to St David’s Ashprington please scan the barcode and follow the instructions to donate to the upkeep of this wonderful building or use the account details below.

Thank you for all you are able to give.

Account details : Ashprington PCC Sort code : 089299 Account number : 67209077

Parish Magazine

Team Newsletter

SafeGuarding – If you are concerned about the safety of anyone in the community or if you are concerned about the actions of someone working with children or vulnerable adults please bring your concern to our safeguarding officer Jill Davies 01803 732 109. 

If you are a young person and unhappy about something happening to you please call Childline 0800 11 11.