St David’s Church Ashprington

In the Totnes Mission Community


Welcome to the church of St David, one of the nine churches of the Totnes mission community.  St David’s Church stands on rising ground above the centre of the village it serves.  Most of its current structure dates from the Middle Ages with later additions in Victorian times.

Whatever your denomination or faith you are more than welcome to visit the church, to pray, to meditate, to simply find a quiet time apart or to join us in one of our services.  The church is open most days from 9.00am to 5.00pm.

Our church services are conducted every Sunday at 11.15am except for the first Sunday in the month when we join the congregation of Cornworthy at St Peter’s Church Cornworthy for a 9.15am service. On the third Sunday in the month the service is Village Worship, a more informal and relaxed service.  No communion.


Covid-19 – As of this time the church building is closed under the instructions of the Church of England.  The church grounds though lend themselves to a quiet meditative walk.  For on-line services please check here >>>>

SafeGuarding – If you are concerned about the safety of anyone in the community or you are concerned about the actions of someone working with children or vulnerable adults please bring your concern to our safeguarding officer Lawrence Green 01803 732 437.

If you are a young person and unhappy about something happening to you please call Childline 0800 11 11.